Compound RF patterns summation (data & model functions)
McGill Face Database
Temporal processing of facial expressions of mental states
1. Compound Radial Frequency Pattern Summation
The expositions below refer to data and models utilized in:
Schmidtmann, G., Kingdom, F. A. A., & Loffler, G. (2019). The processing of compound radial frequency patterns. Vision Research, 161, 63–74. [PDF] [PubMed]
The folders (Compound RF - Data and Models; see Access Link below) contain the raw data and model functions for the radial frequency compound pattern summation study by Schmidtmann, Kingdom and Loffler (2019) as MatLab scripts. The key script is called "Analyse_Data.m". Please read the documentation in the script. The function "RF_compound_data.m" contains the raw data. The “Models” folder contains all model simulations, superimposed on individual data for all subjects, as Matlab figures (.fig). The models are divided into fixed - and matched attention window scenarios (FAW, MAW). A separate folder shows the model simulations for the condition where the transducer exponents are fixed (Fixed Transducers). We also provide model simulations for a single channel model. Please see Schmidtmann, Kingdom and Loffler (2019) for details.
The models described in Schmidtmann, Kingdom & Loffler (2019) employ additional functions from the Palamedes Toolbox (Prins & Kingdom, 2018) to determine whether the data from a 5-PF (psychometric function) summation square experiment, for the detection of two stimuli in the target interval, accords more with probability summation (PS) or additive summation (AS) under the assumptions of signal-detection-theory (SDT) and assuming that the observer is monitoring both channels sensitive to the two stimuli.
Palamedes function (PF) fitting routines:
Palamedes SDT PS (probability) and AS (additive)
Palamedes PF fitting routines:
Prins, N. & Kingdom, F. A. A. (2018) Applying the Model-Comparison Approach to Test Specific Research Hypotheses in Psychophysical Research Using the Palamedes Toolbox. Frontiers in Psychology, 9:1250.
Access data and model functions
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Please cite:
Schmidtmann, G., Jennings, B. J., Sandra, D. A., Pollock, J., & Gold, I. (2020). The McGill Face Database: validation and insights into the recognition of facial expressions of complex mental states. Perception, 49(3), 310-329. [PubMed]

3. Temporal processing of facial expressions of mental states
Schmidtmann, G., Logan, A. J., Carbon, C. C., Loong, J. T., Gold, I. (2020). In the blink of an eye: Reading mental states from briefly presented eye regions. i-Perception, 11(5), 1–18. [PDF]